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7 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of the Dentist

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplypedo @ 10:56 pm
Little girl visiting her Nashua pediatric dentist

Is your son or daughter scared of the dentist? Are they nervous about their upcoming dental appointment? Encountering the unfamiliar sights and sounds of their dentist’s practice can be a somewhat overwhelming experience for your child. Thankfully, there are several simple ways you can help them feel more at ease in the examination chair. We share seven reliable tips that can help make your little one’s next visit great!


Why Is a Lip or Tongue-Tie a Problem for a Baby?

October 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplypedo @ 2:15 pm
a mother holding her baby against her chest

Most children are born with a lip or tongue-tie that stretch and allow for normal oral functioning. However, some babies have a thicker, more restricted band of tissue in these areas, making even regular movement of the tongue or lip much more difficult. Should you notice your little one struggling to latch during breastfeeding or does not care to take a bottle, it may be time to consider a frenectomy. Let a local pediatric dentist explain why an untreated lip or tongue-tie can lead to more serious problems in the future and how this simple and easy procedure can help.
